Popular Services
Software approval process for all LSU A&M employees.
Can't Find What You're Looking For? This service is for requesting general help from the ITS Service Desk.
Microsoft Teams Telephony is an additional feature of Teams that enables the user to receive and place calls within the application. This service enables departments to ensure new employees are enabled with MS Teams Telephony features. We can only migrate full-time LSU employees whose primary appointment is with the LSU A&M campus and Common Area Phones are available for approved business use cases such as student workers, graduate assistants, and users ineligible for A5 licensing.
For requesting the granting and removal of active directory permissions for a particular user.
To create or modify a Workday Supervisory Organization.
Having issues connecting to eduroam or another LSU wireless network?
Request HR services provided by your HR Analyst in Shared Operations Services.
Request for software to be installed on a lab resource.
Request a new Department or Secondary Account.
Requests for consulting services including exceptions, security consulting, security reviews, etc.
Request that an employee be granted delegate access to a secondary account mailbox.
Use this service to request assistance or report an issue with Workday not relating to Human Resources or Finance processes.
Assistance with access for existing sponsored guest accounts.
To request an account for a visitor to access the LSU guest wireless network.
Troubleshooting and questions relating to all things Moodle including Kaltura, Panopto, Turnitin, VoiceThread, gradebook, quizzes, settings, and other activities and resources.
The ODSA works closely with multiple stakeholder groups, including administrators, faculty, staff, and external organizations, to understand institutional data and make it accessible and useful. Through workshops, consultation, data acquisition, and collaborative projects, ODSA aim to help these stakeholders understand how to harness the power of data effectively for their specific needs. If you're seeking to acquire institutional data, need analytic support, decision-making insights, or consultation, please complete the request form.
If you are requesting individual-level student data, you must fill in the Office of the University Registrar's Ad Hoc Query Request Form instead: https://www.lsu.edu/registrar/staff-and-fac-ser... If you are requesting summary-level (aggregate) data, then please continue with this form.
Change of ownership of a Department or Secondary Account.