Use this request if you need to add space to an application or share.
Use this request if you want to give a new or current employee access to a shared network drive.
Troubleshooting for unable to connect to a network share. Please provide the share name and not the drive letter.
Use this template to request access to reporting data from within an application.
Request to install new instrument on the LSU network.
Troubleshooting for Horizon such as unable to login to the server, having video issues, etc.
General inquiry if no other service offering matches what you need.
Use this request to purchase new computers, printers, or lab equipment such as microscopes or computers for gene sequences.
Request to reboot a particular server. (Omnicell, Medicus, Cornerstone, etc)
Request if you have a file that needs to be restored. Please specify the share name and not the network drive letter.
Provides statistical consulting services to assist VetMED researchers in the design and analysis of data.
Use this service to submit an IT request for technology related issues within the LSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital.