Grammarly Troubleshooting

Tags grammarly

What is it?

Request assistance or submit questions regarding Grammarly use and access at LSU.

  • ONLY LSU A&M full time Faculty & Staff can access Grammarly upon request. No students, student workers, graduate students, other campuses (Ag Center, etc), are allowed to access Grammarly at this time. If they attempt to access it, they will receive an error.
  • Please note that Grammarly at LSU does not have groups or the Office add-ins & mobile keyboard clients enabled. If you previously used these on a personal account and switch to the LSU license, you will no longer be able to use them. All AI features are also disabled in the LSU license.

For more information, or to request Grammarly access, please see the Grammarly GROK article for LSU: *Note: This article is only visible to logged-in faculty and staff.

Who is eligible?

Only LSU A&M Faculty & Staff

How do I get it?

Click the "Request Service" button on this page.