Slate - Workday - Programs of Study

A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
College of Agriculture
College of Agriculture
Which Agricultural & Extension Education program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Agricultural & Extension Education program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Agricultural Economics program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Agricultural Economics program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Animal Sciences program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Animal Sciences program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Applied Statistics program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Applied Statistics program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Entomology program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Entomology program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Nutrition and Food Sciences program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Nutrition and Food Sciences program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Plant Pathology & Crop Physiology program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Plant Pathology & Crop Physiology program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Plant, Enviro, Mng and Soil program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Plant, Enviro, Mng and Soil program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Renew Natural Resources program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Renew Natural Resources program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Textiles, Apparel & Merchandising program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Textiles, Apparel & Merchandising program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Art & Design program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Art & Design program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
Which Biological & Agricultural program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Biological & Agricultural program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Chemical Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Chemical Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Civil Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Civil Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Computer Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Computer Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Construction Management program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Construction Management program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Digital Media Arts & Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Digital Media Arts & Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Electrical Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Electrical Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Engineering Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Engineering Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Industrial Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Industrial Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Materials Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Materials Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Transportation Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Transportation Engineering program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
College of Human Sciences & Education
College of Human Sciences & Education
Which Information Studies program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Information Studies program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Education program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Education program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Kinesiology program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Kinesiology program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which LHRD program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which LHRD program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Social Work program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Social Work program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
E. J. Ourso College of Business
E. J. Ourso College of Business
Which Business program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Business program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Coast & Environment program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Coast & Environment program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which CHSS program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which CHSS program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Mass Comm program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Mass Comm program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Music & Theatre program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Music & Theatre program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
School of Veterinary Medicine
School of Veterinary Medicine
Which Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)
Which Science program should be displayed. (Select all that applies)

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