Overview: Curricular Practical Training


Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is an off-campus training and employment program for students with F-1 visas.



Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a type of employment authorization that allows LSU F-1 students to participate in off-campus training and employment experiences that are deemed an integral part of the established curriculum and directly related to the major program of study. Students who wish to apply for CPT must meet one of the curricular criteria below: 

  • Department requirement: An LSU academic department requires all students in your major field of study to participate in off-campus employment for program completion. You must register in an official internship course offered by the department or in an internship program (ITN or CEP) through the Career Services Office prior to applying for CPT and maintain registration throughout the CPT employment period. 
  • Coursework: You have enrolled in an LSU course for academic credit that allows students in that course to participate in off-campus employment to receive a grade for that course (Examples: ACCT 4321 & 7231). You must register in the internship course prior to applying for CPT and maintain registration throughout the CPT employment period. 
  • Internship: You have registered in a semester-long internship program (ITN or CEP) through the Office of Career Services. Such internships are subject to review by ISS. You must register in ITN or CEP prior to applying for CPT and maintain registration throughout the CPT employment period. 
  • Thesis or Dissertation: You have enrolled in full-time thesis or dissertation hours and the practical training/employment is integral to the completion of your thesis or dissertation. A letter from your major professor is required explaining how the employment is integral to thesis or dissertation completion. If you have enrolled in only part-time thesis or dissertation hours, you must register for a full-time internship with the Office of Career Services to be authorized for CPT. 

Students who cannot establish a curricular basis for the training opportunity will most likely need to apply for pre-completion OPT. Discuss your situation with an ISS advisor to learn about your options.  


Offer Letter Requirements 

Students requesting Curricular Practical Training authorization must provide a letter from the employer. The letter should be on company letterhead and be signed by the appropriate company representative. Your letter should contain the following information: 

  • Employer name and address   
  • Physical location where student will work 
  • Number of working hours per week 
  • Training start date and end date 
  • Job title 
  • Description of job duties 

If your employer uses a form letter or contract that cannot be changed, please request an email from the hiring manager or supervisor that provides the required information.  


Application and Authorization Timelines 

You should plan to apply for CPT as soon as you have all of the required documents collected, and at least two weeks before your requested CPT start date. There are different application forms based on your level and/or academic programs, so please make sure that you are printing the correct application for your specific program/level. 

Please complete and get signatures on the appropriate CPT application form. Once you have a completed application, please submit your application and supporting materials online to ISS. You will need an electronic copy of the following materials: 

  1. Completed ISS CPT application. 
  2. Copy of your paid fee bill for the requested CPT semester. 
  3. Job offer letter from your prospective employer. 
  4. Copy of your internship registration request with the Career Center (if your CPT request is based on an internship code). 
  5. Copy of your unofficial transcripts or your rotation schedule if you are in the Vet Clinical program. 
  6. Copy of your most recent I-94 admission record. 
  7. Copy of your passport bio page. 
  8. Copy of your most recently issued F-1 entry visa and/or entry stamp. 

Application processing is currently 5-10 business days, and you cannot start working until you have received your new I-20 with the approved CPT dates. Please note that CPT cannot be backdated. To avoid issues with your status, do not begin any part of your internship (1) prior to having your CPT I-20 and (2) prior to the printed start date of your CPT authorization on your CPT I-20.  


Course-Based Curricular Practical Training 

CPT is typically authorized one semester at a time and is based on your CPT course enrollment confirmation, or your department’s required practical training experience. CPT requests for F-1 students in the School of Veterinary Medicine will be based on the Veterinary School’s academic calendar (not the main campus calendar). F-1 ECFVG (Veterinary School program) students are advised to consult with an ISS advisor for assistance with any questions regarding their specific CPT timelines. 

When you apply for CPT, you should be fully registered for the semester in which you will be authorized for CPT. The earliest date you can register for any semester is the date fee bills become available to students. (See the LSU fee bill calendar for details.) 


CPT Start and End Dates 

The general guidelines below apply to course-based CPT requests: 

  • Authorization dates align with the dates of the semester in which you are enrolled in the CPT eligible course. This means the earliest start date will generally be the start of the semester and the end date will be no later than the end of the semester. 
  • CPT is issued for a specific semester. CPT that must continue into another term will need to be renewed by application. 
  • When your CPT must extend beyond the regular semester dates, please submit a written justification from your academic advisor explaining the curricular need for the additional time. 
  • If you are requesting CPT in your last term at LSU, your end date cannot be later than the end of your final semester. Please see an advisor in International Student Services if you have questions. 


CPT Validity 

Your CPT is valid only during the dates listed on the second page of your I-20 and only for the employer listed there. You must have an I-20 with valid CPT authorization dates to engage in your practical training experience. Do not begin your employment before you receive the CPT authorization from ISS. 

If any of the details of your training change (part-time/full-time, work location, etc.) those changes must be reflected in your CPT authorization before they can become effective. Contact an advisor in ISS to discuss any changes to your approved CPT. 


CPT Extensions 

CPT Extensions are for the purpose of adding a short amount of time onto an existing CPT authorization. Remember that CPT cannot overlap into the next semester without a new application. To request an extension of your current CPT authorization, please submit the CPT Extension Request Form via email to iso@lsu.edu. If you have questions about extending your CPT, please contact an advisor in ISS for assistance. 


Forms & Helpful Links 

  • Submit Your CPT Application to ISS 
  • CPT Application for Graduate Students (See attachments.)
  • CPT Application for Undergraduate Students (See attachments.)
  • CPT Application for Veterinary PAVE, ECFVG, St. George, Ross Students (See attachments.)
  • CPT Extension Request Form (See attachments.)
  • CPT Sample Major Professor Letter (See attachments.)



Article ID: 1326
Tue 4/30/24 12:09 PM
Fri 9/6/24 4:58 PM

