Report Your Local Address

Using MyLSU to Report Your Address

Log in to your myLSU account to add or update your Local Street Address and US phone number. Below are an instructional video and screenshots from myLSU to help you navigate reporting your address.

Instructional Video


Step-by-Step Screenshots

Step 1: Log into myLSU and click on Personal Preferences.
myLSU screen with "Personal Preferences" circled
Step 2: Under Personal Preferences, choose Directory Information. 
myLSU screen with "Directory Information" circled
Step 3: At the next screen, click on the drop-down menu item that says Home, and choose Local Street.
myLSU screen with "Home" drop-down highlighted

Note: Your physical address in the US must always be added to the Local Street address to update your SEVIS record and report your address to USCIS.

Step 4: Enter your full address.
myLSU screen with sample address entered

A few items of note:

  • Your Local Street address must be a US address. It cannot be a P.O. Box address or campus office address.
  • If you live in an on-campus residence hall, be sure to include the hall name and room number.
  • If you live in an apartment, be sure to include the apartment number.
  • Line 3 of your address should remain blank.
Step 5: Select Release to PAWS for your Address Release Status and click Change.
myLSU screen with "Release to PAWS" and "Change" circled

If you have a US phone number, please also enter it and select Release to PAWS as the Release Status.

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Fri 12/8/23 2:53 PM
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