Media Training and Interview Tips

The Media Relations team at Communications and University Relations serves as both an initial point of contact for media members and a resource center for faculty, staff and students representing LSU through media interviews.  There are tools we should use when preparing for interview opportunities that can help make interviewees more comfortable and confident during the interview. 

If you are contacted by a reporter, remember that you are speaking as a representative of the university. What you say and how you act will reflect upon LSU. If you have questions or would like assistance, we are happy to help.  

 How we can help:

·      Press release distribution locally, state wide and nationally; promotion through the LSU Media Center and LSU social media channels

·      Media pitching

·      Media training before an interview

·      Deliver statements on behalf of the university; help craft talking points

·      Help set up press conferences


LSU  Media Coaching 

Media Relations is available to assist you in media training and interview preparation. 

Training consists of: 

·       Media Tips and Coaching

·       On-Camera Interview or Q&A with Media Representative

·       Review of Mock Interview 

·       Sound bite Exercises 

·       Evaluation

To schedule a media coaching session please contact, LSU Media Relations Coordinator Abbi Rocha Laymoun.


Importance of working with our staff:

·       Coordinates overall effort, which helps everyone prepare for media inquiries 

·       Ensures consistency of institutional messages 

·       Provides information to others on campus who are contacted by the same reporters 

·       Could have important information on what the reporter has been asking others 


Why Talk to the Media? 

One of the most effective ways of reaching prospective and current students, alumni and the community at large is through the media. Media coverage can help improve the University’s reputation and enhance its standing within the community. For researchers, it is also an opportunity to promote their research and could potentially help with further funding.


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Thu 6/2/22 3:59 PM
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