Creating Live Oak Scans

Pre-created live oak scans are available for Adobe users via the LSU CC Libraries or in the assets available for download on the Strategic Communications website. However, if you are a moderate/advanced Photoshop user and would like to create this effect yourself featuring a specific tree on campus, instructions on how to do so in Adobe Photoshop are outlined below.

1. Bring your image into Photoshop and make it black and white using a “Black & White” adjustment layer.

2. Make a “Levels” adjustment layer. Adjust levels so that the contrast is extreme. You may need to apply this effect twice to force a solid black and white contrast with no grays.

3. Select all your layers in the “Layers” panel and convert them to a “Smart Object.” 

4. In the “Channels” panel click the “Selection” button. Then go to the “Selection” menu and choose “Select Inverse” to select every black pixel in the document. Then, in the “Channels” panel click the “Mask” button to create a mask on your image so that only the blacks are left. 

5. Add a “Color Overlay” from the “Layer Styles” menu to the tree scan and set the color to r60/g16/b83. If you are creating this for a print project first convert your document from RGB to CMYK, and then add a “Color Overlay” and set the color to 91c/93m/41y/61k. 

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Article ID: 421
Tue 4/19/22 12:42 PM
Tue 4/19/22 12:42 PM