When communicating on behalf of the university, it is important to present yourself in a professional manner that is consistent with the university's brand.
Include your full name, title, department name, and office phone number in your signature. Recipients may also expect to see your email address, department web address, and links to department social media accounts.
Personal pronouns may be shared after your name in italics, set in regular weight (un-bolded). Learn more at mypronouns.org.
You may also choose to include a disclaimer or confidentiality statement at the bottom of your signature if appropriate for the type of work you do.
Do not include philosophical statements or inspirational quotes to avoid any potential confusion in representation of the university slogan, ideology, or brand promise.
Do not paste images into your signature. Email clients may flag emails with embedded graphics as spam or junk mail. Mobile devices may block the images. Email clients handle the graphics as attachments.
Inserting graphics unrelated to the topic of the email is discourteous to your recipient(s), increases the email file size, and gives the appearance that the communication you've sent includes a topic-related attachment.
Sample Email Signature
Full Name (personal pronouns)
Office Name
Louisiana State University
xxx Building Address, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
email@lsu.edu | lsu.edu | lsu.edu/yourdepartment