Missing Transcript Inquiry: Sent Electronically

Please provide as much information as possible so we can locate your transcript in our system.

Click the blue question marks to see Help Text for each field.

Identifying Information

Enter your first name as it appears on your birth certificate. Alternative or preferred names can be given in the next section.
Enter your current last name. Previous or alternative names can be entered in the following section.

Use the following fields to list any and all alternative, preferred, or former names that could be associated with your transcript.
(For example: Nicknames and Maiden Names)
Some transcript services do not include other identifying information (i.e. SSN, DOB) and rely on names only, so please provide all possibilities.

Please provide any other first names that could be associated with your transcript. If listing more than one, separate with commas.
Please provide any previous names that could be associated with your transcript. If listing more than one, separate with commas.
Enter your full email address.

Transcript Information

Enter the school you attended that will be sending the transcript. Do not use abbreviations.
When was the transcript requested OR confirmed to be transmitted?
If unsure of the exact date, select the earliest possible date.
What email address was the transcript sent to?
If you used a service where you selected the school but did not have to provide an address, please explain in the text box.

Please Note: Transcripts sent to any address other than gradtranscripts@lsu.edu, gradadmission@lsu.edu, and gradonline@lsu.edu may take longer to arrive and are not guaranteed to arrive at all.
If you know the transcript service used by your institution, it can help us narrow the search considerably.
If you are unsure of the service, please select "not sure."
Our team may be able to decipher this from receipts and confirmation emails; you can submit those in the "Attachment" section below.
If you have a tracking number or order number associated with your transcript, enter it here.
Please attach any receipts, screenshots, confirmation emails, tracking numbers, etc. that can provide more information to track down your document.
Use this space to provide us with any other information that might be helpful to resolving the issue.

I authorize that all information provided on this form, including any and all personal, financial, and academic data may be shared with the LSU Graduate School Admissions Department to facilitate the service request. This data will be securely retained indefinitely. To learn more about privacy at LSU, please see the LSU Privacy Statement.

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Other Fields

Your name
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