Request for Transfer Credit


Students must have earned 9 hours of graduate residence credit in a degree program at LSU and be in academic good standing before submitting this form to The Graduate School. A maximum of 12 hours of transfer and/or LSU extension and/or non-matriculating credit may be transferred in thesis and non-thesis programs as explained in the General Catalog under the “Transfer of Credit” section.

This includes a maximum of 6 hours of credit at the 6000 level and above. Transfer work must have been taken for graduate residence credit with a grade of “B” or better and must have been completed within 5 years of the time the student is eligible to submit this request.

See the “Transfer of Credit” section in the General Catalog for further stipulations.


Master Students

Submission Deadline 

This form has a specific data that is specified in the Graduate School Calendars by Fall Spring and Summer semester. These semesters are further broken down into Main Campus and Online School Modules. The deadline for this form can be found in the link below. Follow the link and then click the correct semester you intend to graduate. 

Graduate School Calendars

Prerequisites for Form Submission

All required fields must be completed for form to be submitted. 

Ex. Student Information, Courses Approved by Department, Approval Signatures.