Request for Accelerated Master's Program


The accelerated master’s program is open to superior undergraduate students who have completed at least 60 semester hours of credit (including AP credit) with a grade point average of at least 3.50 for all work taken at LSU. To be eligible, transfer students must have a 3.50 average on all undergraduate work taken prior to attending LSU and must complete at least one semester at LSU with a 3.50 GPA.

Acceptance into the accelerated program requires approval from the following: (1) chair of the undergraduate department in which the student is enrolled; (2) dean of the college in which the student is enrolled; (3) chair of the department or the coordinator of the interdisciplinary program in which the student proposes to work toward the master’s degree; and (4) Dean of the Graduate School.

The requested approvals will be given as signatures on a form designed specifically for this program. It is the responsibility of the chair or coordinator of the graduate program to appoint the student’s graduate faculty advisory committee.


Master Students

Submission Deadline 

This form must be submitted to The Graduate School no later than the last day to add courses for the semester in which graduate credit is requested and student’s last semester of enrollment as an undergraduate. Students must have earned 60 hours overall with a cumulative GPA of 3.5.

The deadline for this form can be found in the link below. Follow the link and then click the correct semester you intend to graduate. 

Graduate School Calendars

Prerequisites for Form Submission

All required fields must be filled out in order for form to be completed. 

Ex. Student Information, Courses to be taken for graduate credit while enrolled as an Undergraduate, All required signatures.