Please report all accessibility concerns, including physical and digital concerns, using this form. Do not use this form to submit discrimination complaints or grievances. Instead visit our website for discrimination complaints or grievances:

You may also submit ADA Accessibility concerns to
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
Please select the type of Accessibility (ADA) concern that best fits your need from the drop down below.
Website address example:
Software name example: Microsoft Office
Sender of email example: Mike Tiger (
What is the nature of your concern?
What is the nature of your concern?
If this concern was reported to another area of LSU, please provide the name of the department or area and, if possible a contact person in that area.
I authorize that all information provided on this feedback form, including any and all personal data will be shared with Office of Civil Rights and Title IX and may be shared with other LSU departments in an attempt to resolve issues. The data will be retained for update to five years.

To learn more about privacy at LSU, please see the LSU Privacy Statement
If you agree to the above statement, please authorize below.
If you agree to the above statement, please authorize below.

Contact Information

Providing Contact Information is optional, if you do not provide contact information, LSU's ability to address your concerns may be limited. If you would like to receive a response you must include contact information. If you wish you remain anonymous please enter in the following information below in the required fields. If you do not see the name and email field below and you would like remain anonymous, please click your name at the top right of this page and click sign out:

First Name: ADA
Last Name: Anonymous
Please include a valid phone number where you can be reached.
Please indicate another method of contact if desired.
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name