Frequently Asked Questions: CPT


Review the answers to frequently asked questions about Curricular Practical Training (CPT).


General CPT Information 


What if my case does not meet the CPT curricular requirements? 

You may not be eligible to apply for CPT. However, you may be eligible to apply for pre-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT). Meet with an advisor in ISS to discuss your situation. 


What is the total amount of CPT allowed before I lose my eligibility for OPT for the same program level? 

Participating in 12 months of full-time CPT for a degree level negates eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT) for that degree level. Discuss your situation with an advisor in ISS if you have an academic need for CPT that will put you close to or over the 12 month time limit. 

Your eligibility for OPT will not be affected by any amount of part-time CPT. 


For how many consecutive semesters may I apply for CPT? 

Full-time CPT authorization requests are limited to 2 consecutive semesters, though each semester must be issued one at a time. Following your participation in 2 consecutive semesters of full-time CPT employment, you must enroll full-time in courses, unless you are graduating that semester and are not required to enroll full-time. No exceptions can be made. 

Requests for part-time CPT are not limited to 2 consecutive semesters. 


Must I maintain health insurance coverage while on CPT? 

Yes, all F-1 international students are required to purchase health insurance coverage which meets University requirements while on CPT.  


Must I report changes of address if I move while on CPT? 

Yes, as always, Immigration requires that you report a change of address (local residence) within 10 days of moving. If you are moving out of Baton Rouge to begin a new job, it is imperative that you remember to change your address via your PAWS account within 10 days of your move both before and after your internship. 


What does CPT authorization look like? 

If CPT is approved, you will receive a new original CPT I-20 Form, listing the specific dates during which you may work off-campus for a specified employer at a specified location. You do not need and will not receive an Employment Authorization Document (EAD card) for CPT employment. 


  • You are not authorized to begin working on CPT until the authorized begin date listed on page 2 of your new CPT I-20. 
  • You should not begin working until you have received your processed documents from ISS, as CPT authorization cannot be backdated. 

If you have registered in an internship through Career Services (ITN, CEP), you should not begin working until all Career Services paperwork has been completed and your CPT I-20 has been issued. 


What are the penalties if I do not maintain registration for CPT or if I violate employment rules? 

ISS reserves the right to cancel CPT authorization at any time if you violate your F-1 status by not maintaining/completing course enrollment or Career Services registration, if you work over the allowed number of hours, or if you do not inform us of changes in your employment before they occur. Please be aware that if your CPT employment authorization is cancelled, and you are unable to add classes for the semester, a status violation will be reported, and you will not be able to apply for a reinstatement of status until you are able to register for classes for the next semester. In addition, your future employment eligibility may be affected. 


Is there a charge or fee for participating in CPT? 

There is no application fee for CPT; however, you must pay all relevant registration fees and tuition for that semester in order to be considered as fully registered. 

  • For graduate students, please remember that since you will not have your assistantship during the CPT semester, you will be responsible for all in- and out-of-state costs. 
  • Registering in an internship class will have the appropriate costs attached. The ITN code will still have required fees, even if that is the only code/credit you have for that semester. 
  • The CEP code must be added in addition to credit hours, so during the Fall/Spring semesters you must register full-time plus the CEP code. In Summer, you must have at least 1 hour of class credit in addition to the CEP code since it cannot stand alone. 


Who is Eligible for CPT? 


How much time in F-1 status do I need to be eligible to apply for full-time CPT? 

Based on current Department of Homeland Security policy guidance, CPT may be authorized to an F-1 student who has been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis for an academic year, unless your program requires all students in the program to participate in off-campus employment during their first or second semester. 


I have already been a full-time enrolled F-1 student for an academic year, but this will be my first semester in a new program at LSU. May I apply for full-time CPT my first semester in a new degree program? 

You are eligible to apply for part-time CPT your first semester in a new degree program at LSU only if you are transferring from another university (where you met the full-time academic year enrollment requirement) in F-1 status, or if you are starting a new program at LSU immediately following a period of Optional Practical Training (OPT). 


How do I request an exemption from the “academic year” rule, or how may I participate in CPT my first semester if my program requires it of all students? 

Anyone requesting an exemption must include with their CPT application: 

  • A copy of a statement from the LSU Course Catalog affirming that the program requires off-campus employment of all students their first semester 
  • An official letter from the department head confirming the same 


May I participate in CPT during my graduating semester? 

If you have not yet completed all required course work for your program and you meet the standard application requirements, it is possible to participate in CPT your graduating semester. You will be required to register in at least 1 credit hour of required course work while employed during your graduating semester. 

In order to be eligible for CPT the semester you will be defending your thesis or dissertation, your defense cannot be prior to the end of the midterm exam period in that semester. 

"Degree only” registrants are not eligible for CPT in their graduating semester. 


I am a graduate student, and I have completed all required coursework for my program, except thesis/dissertation research hours. May I apply for CPT? 

Such cases will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by ISS. Together with your CPT application, you must include an official letter from your major professor explaining how the employment is integral to thesis or dissertation completion. The letter must be printed on departmental letterhead and contain your major professor’s original signature. 

You will be required to register in . .  

  • A minimum of 3 credit hours of thesis or dissertation research while employed via CPT with the Career Services internship code of ITN (full-time) or   
  • A minimum of 9 credit hours of thesis or dissertation research while employed via CPT with the Career Services internship code of CEP (part-time) or  
  • A minimum of 9 credit hours of thesis or dissertation research based on an approved letter from your major professor explaining how the employment is integral to thesis or dissertation completion. 

Students enrolled in their last semester before graduation can enroll part-time and maintain their lawful F-1 status as long as they graduate that semester. Students who need less than a full-time course load to graduate in their final term must also submit a Reduced Course Load request to International Student Services. 


Applying for CPT through Career Services 


How do I register for an internship (ITN or CEP) through Career Services? 

After you receive a job offer letter in your field of study, you may contact Career Services to set up an appointment. Once an ITN or CEP internship code appears on your fee bill, you must go to the Bursar’s Office to pay registration fees prior to submitting your application for CPT to ISS. You are welcome to submit your application for review prior to this date, but your registration must be completed, and your ITN or CEP internship code must have been applied before we can process the CPT request. 

Students should visit the Career Services website in order to obtain the required internship forms. These forms should be completed and ready for submission at the time of the appointment with Career Services. For more information about Career Services internship programs, required internship enrollment forms, etc., please refer to the Career Center website


I obtained a job offer without going through Career Services. May I still utilize Career Services for CPT purposes? 

You may set up an appointment with Career Services to discuss whether the offer letter can be approved for registration in an ITN or CEP. Be sure to bring a copy of the job offer letter to the appointment, as well as all completed forms listed on the Career Services website. Your appointment with Career Services must be complete before you apply for CPT. 


How to Apply for CPT with International Student Services 


How does CPT processing work, and how long does ISS processing take? 

To apply, submit your completed and signed CPT application and supporting materials to ISS via the online form. There is no fee for CPT processing. 

Once your complete CPT application has been received by ISS, processing will take approximately 5-10 business days. You will be emailed at your PAWS account regarding the status of your application; we will update you if there are any holds and when the documents have been processed. Our office is unable to expedite processing requests to accommodate immediate employment start dates or to backdate CPT authorization. 


How far in advance should I apply for CPT? How long can completing the application take? 

Your complete application should be received by ISS at least two weeks before your requested start date. You must be appropriately registered for any courses or internships that are connected to your CPT request. 

Ideally, you should begin your job search at least one semester in advance and start completing and compiling your application several weeks prior to the deadline. Completing the forms and obtaining the required departmental signatures and original materials from your employer can take time. We encourage you not to wait until the last minute. Meet with an ISS advisor early in the process to clarify any doubts you have. 

CPT processing takes 5-10 business days once the registration for the semester of CPT is completed, depending on whether or not all required information has been received. Your requested CPT begin date should not be earlier than 5 business days from the date you submit your complete CPT application to ISS. ISS is unable to expedite processing requests to accommodate immediate employment start dates or to backdate CPT authorization. 


When is the CPT deadline? 

The final deadline to apply for course-based CPT for all semesters will depend on ability to register for the CPT eligible course. We strongly encourage you to firm up your CPT plans at least a month before the start of the desired CPT term to allow enough time to collect all materials and submit your application. 


What documents do I need to include with my CPT application? 

For a checklist of documents, please refer to the CPT checklist included with the CPT Application. Commonly requested documents include the following:  

  • A copy of your current I-20 containing the most up-to-date and correct information. 
    • Make sure your major/level of study, source of funding, and program completion date are correct. If you need to make any changes to your I-20, you must do so prior to submitting your CPT application. 
    • Please note that I-20 extensions cannot be granted for the sole purpose of bridging a funding gap before Optional Practical Training (OPT) or the start of H-1B employment. 
      • We are unable to extend your I-20 or grant CPT authorization if you have finished all degree requirements. 
      • You will be required to provide an affidavit of financial support with your I-20 extension request. Your source of funding cannot come from CPT employment or potential CPT employment. 
      • You must verify your independent financial support during the CPT period (excluding the revenue that you may earn during the authorized period of CPT). 
  • CPT application, with all required student and departmental signatures. 
  • A separate departmental letter is required if 
    • You have completed all required course work and are applying for CPT which is integral to the completion of your graduate thesis or dissertation.  
    • You are applying for CPT in connection with research or thesis hours. The letter must explain how the proposed employment is integral to the completion of your research or thesis/dissertation. 
  • Original official job-offer letter from employer on company letterhead.   
    • The letter must include all required information. If your employer uses a form letter or contract that cannot be changed, please request an email from the hiring manager or supervisor that provides the missing required information.  
  • Original signed Student Statement of Acknowledgement. 


How do I request CPT beginning and ending dates? 

CPT authorization is granted for up to one semester at a time. In general, CPT employment dates should correlate with semester dates listed on the academic calendar on the University Registrar’s website. CPT authorization dates are issued based on the specific beginning and ending dates listed in the job offer letter and the acceptable start and end date ranges for course-based CPT. 

The start date range for CPT is usually between the day after the last day of the previous semester and the last day to add courses for the coming semester. 

The end date range for CPT is usually between the end of the semester of the CPT application and the day before the first day of classes for the following semester. 

If you are registered for credit hours and will be graduating during the semester you are on CPT, you are not eligible to work past the last day of that semester. Remember that CPT is a curricular, pre-completion benefit. Once all of your degree requirements are met, there is no longer a sufficient foundation to support the authorization. 

Important note: CPT processing takes 5-10 business days from the date all components of your application are complete (registration, fee bill, etc.) Your requested CPT begin date should not be earlier than 5 business days from the date you submit your complete CPT application to International Student Services. Our office is unable to expedite processing requests to accommodate immediate employment start dates or to backdate CPT authorization. 


May I submit my application before it is complete or before making necessary changes to my I-20? 

No, please do not submit your CPT application to International Student Services until you have first compiled all of the above-listed documents. Processing time will be delayed if your application is not complete.  


How do I know if my application is complete? 

Refer to the document checklist (included in CPT application) before submitting your application. If your CPT application is incomplete, we will email you within 5 business days of receiving your application to inform you what materials/ information are needed to continue processing. You are encouraged to apply well before the CPT deadline in case materials or information is missing from your application. 


How may I request an extension of my CPT authorization for another semester? 

To apply for an extension of CPT authorization, you must re-apply for the following semester prior to the deadline. You must submit a new CPT application, now dated in conjunction with your new CPT request. 


How may I request an extension of my current CPT authorization for few more days? 

To apply for an extension of a few days to your current CPT authorized period, please complete the CPT Extension Request Form. This form must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the end date of your current CPT period. Please allow five business days to process the extension. Extensions may not be granted past the last day before the start of the next semester. If you are graduating in the semester for which you are requesting the CPT extension, you will not be eligible for an extension. 


On-Campus and Off-Campus Employment 


How many hours per week is part-time CPT? How many hours per week is full-time CPT? 

  • Part-time CPT = 20 hrs/wk or less of employment 
  • Full-time CPT = 20 hrs/wk or more of employment 


During the summer vacation period, how many hours per week may I work on CPT? How many classes may I take? 

Hours Worked:  

  • You may work full-time (more than 20 hours/week) on CPT while maintaining registration in the internship course for academic credit or in the ITN through Career Services. 
  • The CEP internship code allows a maximum of 20 hours/week employment for part-time CPT. 

Course Enrollment:  

  • You may enroll in up to 6 credit hours (full-time for Summer) during this time. 
  • Summer is considered an optional semester by Immigration, so you can also choose to enroll part-time or to not enroll at all during Summer, unless you are an F-1 student and Summer is your first semester in the U.S. 
  • If Summer is your last semester before graduation or before Degree Only registration for the following Fall, you must enroll in credit hours to be eligible for CPT during the Summer term. 
    • Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least one course. 
    • Graduate students must be enrolled in coursework. 
    • For a graduate student who has completed all coursework, the student must be enrolled in thesis or dissertation research. 


During the Fall or Spring semester, how many hours per week may I work while on CPT? How many credit hours must I register for? 

While registered in an internship course for academic credit or in a Career Services internship with the code CEP . . .  

  • You may work up to 20 hours per week on CPT while maintaining full-time course enrollment at LSU. During the Fall and Spring semesters, full-time course enrollment equals 9 credit hours for graduate students and 12 credit hours for undergraduate students. 
  • You may enroll part-time during your last semester at LSU if you have filed for graduation at the Graduate School or if your undergraduate college and your graduation date have been posted in the LSU system. Registration for an internship with the CEP code requires a registration of at least one credit hour for the semester of graduation. 
  • You must maintain enrollment in the course mandating CPT or in the Career Services CEP program throughout your CPT employment, or your CPT authorization will be cancelled. 

While registered in a Career Services internship with the code ITN . . .  

  • You may work full-time (over 20 hours per week) on CPT. 
  • Unless you are a graduate student who has completed all coursework requirements except thesis or dissertation hours, or unless it is your graduating semester, you are not required to register in courses for IS purposes during the time of CPT employment. The Career Services ITN code holds your full-time registration at LSU. 
  • You must maintain registration in the internship program (ITN) through Career Services throughout the time of CPT employment, or your CPT authorization will be cancelled. 
  • Students may enroll in up to 6 credit hours with the ITN code. 
  • In all cases, you may be subject to additional enrollment/registration requirements mandated by your undergraduate college, academic department, or the Graduate School. You are responsible for consulting each of these offices to make sure you meet all requirements. 


May I keep my graduate assistantship or student worker job while on CPT? 

On-campus employment and CPT are two independent types of work permission. CPT authorization is based on the connection to an established curriculum. On-campus work permission is incidental to status, meaning that as long as you are in valid F-1 status, you have access to on-campus employment authorization. If you are authorized for CPT, you remain eligible for on-campus employment. Students are encouraged to consider, evaluate, and maintain a healthy balance between their full-time studies, any practical training plans, on-campus employment responsibilities, and self care when pursuing CPT. Graduate students with assistantships are encouraged to check with their department for specific policies or restrictions that may apply. 


May I work for more than one employer at a time on CPT? 

No, CPT can be authorized for only one employer at a time per semester. 

There is one exception to this rule: Music students applying for CPT based on MUS 4260/4261 often must perform in several orchestras/symphonies/music ensembles; this dual employment is subject to approval by the School of Music. 


What should I do if any terms of my CPT employment change? 

If your employment changes in any way after your CPT has been authorized (job duties, dates, location, full- or part-time hours, termination of employment, or breaks in employment), you must inform ISS immediately, and approval must be received before any changes are implemented. Remember that it is your responsibility to keep ISS informed of any changes in your employment. 


Traveling on CPT 


May I travel outside the U.S. while on CPT? 

Before traveling outside the U.S., you should discuss your travel plans with your employer and with International Student Services; ISS will need to review the rules that apply to your dates of authorization and necessary employment for CPT. 

If your CPT authorization is based on registration in an ITN or CEP through Career Services, you must also check with Career Services well in advance of traveling. You are subject to the rules outlined by Career Services, International Student Services, and your employer, which may affect your travel plans and your ability to travel. 

If you are able to travel, you should be prepared to present the following items to the U.S. Port of Entry when you return; you may be denied re-entry to the United States without them. 

  • Your valid passport, which should be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. 
  • A valid entry visa in your passport. If the entry visa in your passport has expired, you must go to a U.S. Consulate outside of the U.S. to apply for a new one, unless you are traveling directly to Canada or Mexico from the U.S. for fewer than 30 days and will be re-entering the country using the same I-94. 
  • Your most recent CPT Form I-20 with a valid signature for re-entry on page 2. This signature is valid for up to 6 months. To obtain a new signature for re-entry, you must complete the Green Sheet Request Form before you leave and allow at least 5 business days for processing.  
  • A letter from and signed by your employer on official company letterhead indicating that they have approved your travel outside the U.S. during your authorized employment period and that you will be returning to complete the CPT employment period or ending the CPT employment period. 
  • An affidavit of financial support, such as American bank statements, illustrating how you are supporting yourself during your studies in the US. Remember that any potential CPT revenue cannot be calculated as official financial support on an I-20 document. 



Article ID: 1327
Tue 4/30/24 12:24 PM
Mon 7/15/24 1:42 PM