Financial Assistance for International Students

It is important to gather the resources needed to fund an education in the United States. Financial aid is available, but it takes work and persistence to find the right assistance for your needs and eligibility.


(Please note that international students typically do not qualify for U.S. financial aid such as Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, etc. Additionally, our team does not play any role in financial assistance award decisions.)


Below, you can find a list of options that are available to you, but this list is by no means exhaustive; feel free to search for additional resources as well!


LSU Financial Assistance


Funding Outside of LSU

If no LSU financial assistance is available for you, you can search online for scholarships for international study. There may be private agencies or other entities (government, corporations, etc.) in your home country that offer scholarships or loan programs for the purpose of studying abroad.

Use caution when investigating the legitimacy of the site/agency, especially if there are fees/costs involved.

Disclaimer: Financial-aid assistance that you may receive from any of the sites above and agreements that you make with these entities are your responsibility. International Student Services (ISS) and LSU are not responsible for or involved in any decisions that you make regarding your relationship with any of these entities. ISS and LSU also are not responsible for the terms and agreements that you make with these or any other entities.

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