Traveling Outside the US on CPT

CPT is authorized with the understanding that you will be working during the entire listed employment period; therefore it is best to limit travel to before or after your CPT dates. Before traveling outside the U.S., you should discuss your travel plans with your employer. Please note that your I-20 has been signed by ISS as a courtesy for future travel; ISS does not endorse traveling outside of the U.S. without consulting with or notifying your employer.

Be prepared to present the following items to the U.S. Port of Entry when you return. These documents are very important; you may not be allowed to re-enter the U.S. without them.

  1. Your valid passport, which should be valid for at least 6 months after your return date.
  2. A valid entry visa in your passport. If the entry visa in your passport has expired, you must go to a U.S. Consulate outside of the U.S. to apply for a new one, unless you are traveling directly to Canada or Mexico from the US for fewer than 30 days and will be re-entering the country using the same I-94.
  3. Your most recent original Form I-20 with a valid signature for re-entry located on page 3. The signature is valid for up to 6 months. To obtain a new signature for re-entry, please complete the ISS Green Sheet form (see attachments) and allow at least 5 business days for processing.
  4. A letter from and signed by your employer on official company letterhead indicating that they have approved your travel outside the U.S. during your authorized employment period and that you will be returning to complete the CPT employment period or that the CPT employment period has ended. Please note that you are subject to the ISS rules of necessary dates of active employment for the CPT semester, which may affect your travel plans.
  5. If CPT authorization is based on registration in an ITN or CEP through the LSU Career Center, you must check with the Career Center ITN/CEP Coordinator before traveling outside the country during your internship, well in advance before traveling. Please note that you are subject to the rules of the LSU Career Center and to those of your employer, which may affect your travel plans or prevent you from traveling.
  6. Recent bank statements which show that you have funding to support yourself in the U.S., such as American bank statements, illustrating how you are supporting yourself during your studies in the U.S. Remember that any potential CPT revenue cannot be calculated as official financial support on an I-20 document.

We recommend checking various immigration updates and news before and during your travel to ensure that nothing has changed with your re-entry plans or the documents required. You can also consult with an Immigration Attorney if you have concerns about your travel. Some websites to check include:

If you have been arrested and/or charged with any crime here in the U.S., including both felonies and misdemeanors (such as a DUI), we recommend that you seek legal advice before attempting any overseas travel, as you may likely be denied re-entry. We highly discourage travel even for students whose criminal record has been expunged unless they have received legal review, advice, and clearance.

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