University-Wide Events


University-wide events are defined as those put on by LSU as a whole. These events represent the entire university and are outward facing, meaning they are highly visible to the off-campus community, so an overarching LSU brand presence is necessary for this level of event. 

The following guidelines must be followed when developing branding for university-wide events:

  • The creation of an event mark is permitted for events that qualify as a university-wide level event. Reach out to Communications & University Relations to determine whether your event qualifies as a university-wide event. 
  • University-wide event marks are developed and distributed with their own set of brand guidelines.
  • University-wide event marks are temporary and must have a designated start and end date for their usage.
  • University-wide events are always branded using the LSU color palette.
  • University-wide event marks may incorporate the LSU logo into them; in these cases, it may be determined that the event mark may replace the LSU logo or unit signature, rather than being used in conjunction with it. These parameters are outlined in the event branding guidelines.

Examples of University-wide Event Marks

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